# Components

Understand folder structure of template and what everything contains

# Types Of Components

Two Types of components added

  • Global Component (BaseCard, BaseBtn)
  • Local Component

Inside 'Base' folder those are Global Components

│   │── src
│   │     components
│   │     │  Breadcrumbs.vue
│   │     │  HeaderSearch.vue
│   │     │  
│   │     └── Base 
│   │      │
│   │      └── BaseBtn.vue
│   │      │
│   │      └── BaseCard.vue

⚠️ If you want to create custom global components: add your custom components inside base folder and call your global custom component inside main.js

  • Code Snippet


// main.js 
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import YourCustomGlobalComponent from './components/Base/YourCustomGlobalComponent.vue'

    .component('YourCustomGlobalComponent', YourCustomGlobalComponent)

# Card

  • Code Snippet


    <template v-slot:cardHeader>
        Card Header
    Hello Card Body

# Buttons

  • Code Snippet

 <BaseBtn class="bg-primary text-white">
    Default Button
Props type Description
rounded Boolean rounded border
block Boolean full width
icon Boolean it will make the button icon in center
xl Boolean large button
sm Boolean small button
Last Updated: 10/24/2022, 10:38:50 AM